
外交政策杂志-2025-Winter Foreign Policy 外交政策杂志

外交政策杂志-2025-Winter Foreign Policy is a prominent American magazine on foreign affairs and international relations. It was founded in 1970 and is published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington D.C.

Foreign Policy focuses on the diplomatic challenges and opportunities facing the United States in the global political landscape. It adopts an objective and authoritative stance, not following any party line, but making fair and critical reviews of international political hot topics, especially regarding U.S. foreign policy decisions.

The magazine covers a wide range of foreign affairs and security issues, including U.S. foreign policy, global political conflicts, regional issues, transnational cooperation, non-governmental organizations, global security and so on. It also features columns and special reports analyzing related countries, international organizations, prominent figures, etc. Foreign Policy content is in-depth yet accessible, emphasizing innovative thinking, aiming to help the public better understand complex diplomatic issues.

Foreign Policy is renowned as one of the world's top foreign affairs magazines, with extremely high visibility and influence. It not only provides insightful perspectives, but also offers unique policy recommendations, deeply impacting the views of political and diplomatic elites in the United States. The magazine is essential reading material for American foreign policy scholars, decision makers and professionals.

外交政策杂志-2025-Winter Foreign Policy 外交政策杂志-2025-Winter Foreign Policy

《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)是一个著名的美国外交与国际关系杂志。它于1970年创刊,出版商是位于美国华盛顿特区的卡内基国际和平基金会。



《外交政策》被誉为世界顶级外交期刊,享有极高的知名度和影响力。它不仅有价值的分析视角,还提供独到的政策建议,深深影响了美国政治与外交 elite 的看法。该杂志是美国外交学者、决策者与专业人士必读 material 的一份。







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