SpeakOut Third (3rd) Ed by Longman Pearson 第三版 朗文 培生
SpeakOut Third (3rd) Edition by Longman Pearson
第三版 朗文 培生 全套A1~C1-C2【高清可复制】
英式英语 Speakout British English Third Edition

SpeakOut Third (3rd) Ed by Longman Pearson
Speakout 3rd Edition is the result of extensive research with users of Speakout 2nd Edition from around the world.
It builds on the tried-and-tested methodology of the series, but has been brought up to date with 100% new content, a revised syllabus based on the Global Scale of English and a fresh new look and feel.
The enhanced digital environment offers even more flexibility for online and hybrid use, with all activities from the eBook and the Online Practice reporting to the gradebook.
Learners can also benefit from innovative speech recognition technology for out-of-class speaking practice and feedback.
A1 contains separate Sounds and Spelling lessons to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing, and from A2 there are integrated skills for employability including mediation lessons and future skills training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work.
Build speaking confidence with Speakout, the four-skills general adult course focusing on real-world English. Developed in association with BBC Studios, this comprehensive course helps learners speak with confidence.
The British English third edition contains AI speaking activities for practice outside the classroom, plus mediation lessons and a focus on Future Skills.
The popular second and American English editions are also available.
SpeakOut Third Edition by Longman Pearson 8.68 GB
├─SpeakOut 3rd Edition A1
│ │ SpeakOut 3rd Edition A1 Class Audio 【MP3+Script】.7z
│ │ SpeakOut 3rd Edition A1 Photocopiables【PDFs】.7z
│ │ SpeakOut 3rd Edition A1 Teachers Resources[MP4+PDF】.7z
│ │ SpeakOut 3rd Edition A1 Tests[PDF+MP3+DOC].7z
│ │ SpeakOut 3rd Edition A1 Workbook Audio CD【MP3+Script】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A1_Students_Book_Keys【true】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A1_Students_Book【true】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A1_Teachers_Book【true】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A1_Workbook_with_Keys【true】.pdf
SpeakOut 3rd Edition A1 Video
│ SO3 A1 U1 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U1 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U2 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U2 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U3 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U3 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U4 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U4 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U5 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U6 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U6 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U7 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U7 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U8 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ SO3 A1 U8 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ Speakout_A1_SB_Videoscripts.pdf
SpeakOut 3rd Edition A2
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A2_Photocopiables【PDFs】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A2_Students_Book_Keys【true】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A2_Students_Book【true】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A2_Teachers_Book【true】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A2_Tests【PDF+DOC+MP3】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A2_Workbook_with_Keys【true】.pdf
│ │
│ ├─Speakout_Third_edition_A2_Class_Audio【By Unit】
│ │ Speakout_A2_SB_Lead-in_Audio.zip
│ │ Speakout_A2_SB_Reading text audio for dyslexic students.zip
│ │ Speakout_A2_SB_Unit 2_Audio.zip
│ │ Speakout_A2_SB_Unit 4_Audio.zip
│ │ Speakout_A2_SB_Unit 5_Audio.zip
│ │ Speakout_A2_SB_Unit 6_Audio.zip
│ │ Speakout_A2_SB_Unit 7_Audio.zip
│ │ Speakout_A2_SB_Unit 8_Audio.zip
│ │ Speakout_A2_SB_Unit3_Audio.zip
│ │
│ │ A2 Speakout SB and Benchmark Test A.pdf
│ │ A2 Speakout SB and Level 1 PEIC.pdf
│ │ A2 Speakout WB and Benchmark Test A.pdf
│ │ A2 Speakout WB and Level 1 PEIC.pdf
│ │ Benchmark Test Brochure 1.1.pdf
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_01_D2 Course Overview_PEP.mp4
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_02_D2 Unit Overview_PEP.mp4
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_03_D2 The A and B Lessons_PEP.mp4
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_03_D2 The C Lesson_PEP.mp4
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_05_D2 The D Lessons_PEP.mp4
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_06_D2 Student Components_PEP.mp4
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_07_D2 Teacher Components_PEP.mp4
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_08_D2_Mediation_PEP.mp4
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_09_D2_Sound and Spelling_PEP.mp4
│ │ Pearson_Speakout TW_10_D2 Speak Anywhere_PEP.mp4
│ │ SO3_A2_Speakout_PEIC_Level_1.xlsx
│ │ Speakout 3rd A2 GSE.pdf
│ │ Speakout 3rd A2 Wordlist.xlsx
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_A2_Teacher_Resources-only doc.7z
│ │ SO3 A2 U1 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U1 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U2 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U2 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U3 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U3 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U4 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U4 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U5 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U5 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U6 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U6 BBC Vlogs (1).mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U7 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U7 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U8 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ │ SO3 A2 U8 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ Z01 Speakout TB A2 Videoscripts 99553.pdf
Speakout_Third_edition_A2_Workbook_Audio【By Unit】
│ Speakout_A2_WB_Unit 1_Audio.zip
│ Speakout_A2_WB_Unit 3_Audio.zip
│ Speakout_A2_WB_Unit 4_Audio.zip
│ Speakout_A2_WB_Unit 5_Audio.zip
│ Speakout_A2_WB_Unit 6_Audio.zip
│ Speakout_A2_WB_Unit 7_Audio.zip
│ Speakout_A2_WB_Unit 8_Audio.zip
SpeakOut 3rd Edition B1
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Class_Audio【by Unit】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Photocopiables【PDFs】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Students_Book_Keys.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Students_Book【高清打印】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Students_Book【高清OCR】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Teachers_Book【true】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Teacher_Resources【MP3+PDF】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Tests【PDF+MP3+Docx】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Workbook_Audio【By Unit】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Workbook_Audio【By Unit】.rar
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Workbook_Keys.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Workbook【Scan ocr】.pdf
│ │ SO3 B1 U1 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U1 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U2 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U2 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U3 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U3 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U4 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U4 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U5 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U5 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U6 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U6 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U7 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U7 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U8 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ │ SO3 B1 U8 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ │ SO3_B1_SB_Videoscripts.pdf
Speakout_Third_edition_B1_Workbook_Audio【By Unit】
│ Speakout_B1_WB_Unit 1_audio.zip
│ Speakout_B1_WB_Unit 2_audio.zip
│ Speakout_B1_WB_Unit 3_audio.zip
│ Speakout_B1_WB_Unit 4_audio.zip
│ Speakout_B1_WB_Unit 5_audio.zip
│ Speakout_B1_WB_Unit 6_audio.zip
│ Speakout_B1_WB_Unit 7_audio.zip
│ Speakout_B1_WB_Unit 8_audio.zip
SpeakOut 3rd Edition B2
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Class_Audio【By Unit】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Photocopiables【PDFs】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Students_Book Key.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Students_Book【True】.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Teachers_Book.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Teacher_Resources【PDF+MP3】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Tests【PDF+DOCX】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Workbook_Audio【By Unit】.7z
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Workbook_Keys.pdf
│ │ Speakout_Third_edition_B2_Workbook_with_Keys【true】.pdf
│ SO3 B2 U1 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U1 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U2 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U2 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U3 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U3 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U4 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U4 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U5 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U5 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U6 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U6 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U7 BBC StreetInt.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U7 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U8 BBC Programmes.mp4
│ SO3 B2 U8 BBC Vlogs.mp4
│ SO3_B2_SB_Videoscripts.pdf
SpeakOut 3rd Edition C1-C2
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_Photocopiables.pdf
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_SB_Audio【MP3+Script】.7z
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_Students_Book_Keys.pdf
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_Students_Book【true】.pdf
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_Tests【PDF+MP3+DOC】.7z
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_WB_Audio[MP3+Script].7z
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_Workbook_keys.pdf
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_Workbook_with_keys【高清OCR】.pdf
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_Workbook【true】.pdf
│ Speakout 3rd C1-C2 GSE.pdf
│ Speakout 3rd C1-C2 Wordlist.xlsx
│ Speakout_Third_edition_С1_С2_Teachers_Book【true】.pdf
SO3 C1-2 U1 BBC StreetInt.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U1 BBC Vlogs.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U2 BBC Programmes.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U2 BBC Vlogs.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U3 BBC StreetInt.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U3 BBC Vlogs.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U4 BBC Programmes.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U4 BBC Vlogs.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U5 BBC StreetInt.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U5 BBC Vlogs.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U6 BBC Programmes.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U6 BBC Vlogs.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U7 BBC StreetInt.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U7 BBC Vlogs.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U8 BBC Programmes.mp4
SO3 C1-2 U8 BBC Vlogs.mp4
Student's Book,WorkBook 以及Teacher‘s Book封面截图:
