外交事务 Foreign Affairs 2024-03/04
外交事务 Foreign Affairs 2024-03/04
外交事务 Foreign Affairs 2024-03/04
外交 Foreign Affairs 或译《外交事务》
Foreign Affairs is one of the most prestigious academic journals on international relations in the United States. Founded in 1922, it publishes quarterly and features scholarly articles, commentaries, and book reviews on various topics related to international relations, diplomacy, global politics, and economics. The journal is widely regarded as an important reference for scholars, policymakers, and researchers seeking to stay informed on the latest developments in international politics and economics, understand global relationships, and explore trends in international affairs.
Foreign Affairs articles cover a wide range of topics spanning global politics, economics, security, and the environment. These include international relations theory, foreign policy, international organizations, global governance, war and conflict, trade and finance, energy and the environment, and more. The authors of the journal include policymakers, scholars, researchers, and professionals, who provide unique perspectives and in-depth analyses on global politics and economics, making the journal one of the most important channels for understanding global affairs.
In addition to the print edition, Foreign Affairs has an online platform that offers more extensive content and opportunities for interaction, such as special reports, videos, podcasts, and online discussions. The journal also hosts conferences and seminars regularly, providing a platform for scholars and professionals in the field of international relations to exchange ideas and engage in dialogue.

《外交》杂志(Foreign Affairs)是美国最著名的国际关系学术期刊之一。该杂志于1922年创刊,每季度出版一期,主要刊登有关国际关系、外交、全球政治和经济等方面的学术论文、评论和书评等。该杂志被认为是国际关系领域的重要参考资料,很多政策制定者、学者和研究人员都会阅读该杂志以获取最新的国际政治和经济动态,了解各国之间的关系,以及探讨国际事务的发展趋势。
Foreign Affairs 杂志的政治倾向比较中立,它的宗旨是为全球的知识分子、政策制定者和公众提供有关国际政治、经济和安全等领域的客观分析和深入报道,以促进全球公共话语的发展。因此,它的文章涵盖了来自不同国家、不同背景、不同立场的作者,从不同的角度探讨国际关系、外交政策、全球治理、战争与冲突、贸易和金融、能源和环境等话题,而不会偏向某个特定的政治立场。
当然,由于作者的不同,杂志中会出现各种观点和立场,但它会尽可能以中立的角度来呈现最新的国际政治和经济动态,从多个角度分析和解释事件的背景和影响,为读者提供全面的信息和更深入的理解。因此,Foreign Affairs 杂志被认为是一个公正客观的国际关系学术期刊,被广泛认可和信任。