科学美国人-2024-07 Scientific American
Scientific American is a renowned scientific magazine with a history of over 170 years, founded in 1845. It covers cutting-edge research, news, and commentary in fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, computer science, engineering, environmental science, astronomy, and earth science. Its distinctive feature is presenting complex scientific knowledge in a simple and understandable way to readers, making it more accessible and easy to comprehend.科学美国人-2024 Scientific American PDF
The authors and editors of Scientific American come from scientists and science journalists around the world. Their articles are not only informative and insightful but also highly readable and entertaining. The magazine also regularly publishes special reports and editions covering in-depth coverage and analysis of current hot topics and fields. In addition, Scientific American collaborates with other organizations to launch science education programs and activities, such as hosting scientific lectures, releasing science news and developments, and so on.

科学美国人 是一本美国的科普杂志。 自1845年创刊以来,许多具声誉的科学家都曾投稿发表于该刊物。该刊物亦是美国境内最古老的连续出版月刊杂志。作为《自然》的姐妹出版物,《科学美国人》涵盖的受众包括企业主、高级经理人、决策者和意见领袖,与《自然》的学术受众形成互补。2009年的本刊撰写者中有四位获诺贝尔奖。虽然被认为是大众化的高水平学术期刊,但这本杂志并不采用类似《自然》杂志同行评审的方式审查稿件,而是提供一个论坛来呈现科学理论和科学新发现。
科学美国人(Scientific American)是一本美国很受欢迎的科普杂志,创刊于1845年8月28日,开始是每周出版一期,后改为每月出版一期。科学美国人是美国历史上最长的、一直连续出版的杂志。
《科学美国人》不仅有14 种语言的版本,网站 scientificamerican.com,还在2004年出版了《科学美国人:大脑》(Scientific American Mind),这是一本关于心理学和脑科学的双月刊科普杂志,目前拥有6个语言版本。
科学美国人是托福、雅思、GMAT、SAT、考研、高考以及各类科学竞赛的备考必备辅助阅读杂志。(SAT 全称是 Scholastic Assessment Test,中文名称为学术能力评估测试。由美国大学委员会 College Board 主办,SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请美国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考。)