The Guardian-2023-02-08-英国《卫报》
卫报 The Guardian-2023-02-08
The Guardian is a British daily newspaper known for its distinct features and characteristics. Here are some of its notable traits: The Guardian-2023-02-08
- Left-leaning political views: The Guardian is known for its progressive and liberal political stance, often favoring left-leaning policies and candidates. This is reflected in its coverage of news and current events, as well as its opinion pieces and editorial content.
- International outlook: The Guardian has a strong focus on international news and events, with correspondents and bureaus located around the world. This allows the newspaper to provide in-depth coverage of global issues and perspectives from a variety of cultural contexts.
- Investigative journalism: The Guardian has a reputation for producing high-quality investigative journalism, with a number of major stories broken by its journalists over the years. This includes the phone-hacking scandal in the UK and the revelations about the US National Security Agency's surveillance programs.
- Emphasis on digital media: The Guardian has been at the forefront of the transition to digital media, with a strong online presence and a focus on multimedia content. Its website is one of the most popular news sites in the UK, and the newspaper has won numerous awards for its digital innovation.
The Guardian-2023-02-08
有规律地阅读外刊杂志有助于提高英语阅读能力,这是毋庸置疑的,尤其是类似于卫报、经济学人、华尔街日报、华盛顿邮报 、纽约客 等着类久负盛名的报纸,因其写作用词多数比较考究,同时,这些报纸也是国内英语类考试的语料来源,更值得去认真阅读,尤其是那些即将准备类似于四、六级、专四、专八、CATTI翻译资格证考试、出国留学的考试等。
应该如何读报学英文:The Guardian-2023-02-08
1. 应该读些什么?
外媒外刊当然是大家的阅读首选。不知道大家平时有没有浏览外国网站的爱好,一些主流的报刊杂志网站上英文新闻资源丰富,不论你是对什么样的内容感兴趣,养成每天点去外文新闻的习惯,通过阅读最新鲜的新闻事件,感受和揣摩最实用的英文用法,如果能坚持下来你会有很多的收获。The Guardian-2023-02-08
2. 应该怎么读?
很多同学在看到满篇的英文就会没来由的犯怵(就算是一些英文专业的同学也会有这样的情况),的确在大篇幅英文的“轰炸”下,同学们很容易就进入了跟生词较劲、分析复杂句子结构的上课模式中。这也是因为大家平时没有培养比较好的阅读习惯,在起初可能我们都会遇到这样的情况,所以建议大家在最初培养时,选择一些比较简单和简短的文章。一般来说,社会新闻体裁都比较有趣,文章用词也不会太复杂,政治和经济类文章专业性偏高,所以比较难驾驭。我们在选择阅读素材时可以循序渐进,一步步来提升自己。The Guardian-2023-02-08
除了上述方法外,我们还可以进行“横向阅读”,这里的横向阅读指的是不同报纸在报道同一新闻时不同的遣词造句。拿上个月凯特王妃生子的新闻来说,CNN当时的新闻标题为:Catherine gives birth to royal baby;BBC 的标题则更为简洁:Royal baby boy born;《卫报》的标题为:Royal baby: Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a boy。在同一事件表达上的微妙区别其实非常有趣,大家可以多多揣摩下,这也是学习灵活多变表达的好方法,这样在你写作的时候,你就不会觉得自己词汇贫乏、表达干巴巴的。