哈佛商业评论-OnPoint Summer-2023 Harvard Business Review
哈佛商业评论-OnPoint Summer-2023 Harvard Business Review
Harvard Business Review is a globally renowned business magazine aimed at business leaders and managers. Founded in 1922, it is published by Harvard Business School on a monthly basis and covers topics such as business management, leadership, marketing, strategy, and finance. Its articles are usually written by top business scholars, entrepreneurs, and management experts, covering the latest business trends and management practices. In addition, the magazine also has columns and special reports, such as the annual "Global Management 50" and "Global Innovation 100."
The readers of Harvard Business Review include executives, entrepreneurs, consultants, scholars, students, and others, and it is considered one of the must-read magazines for business leaders. Its articles often provide novel and in-depth thinking, helping managers and business leaders better understand the changes and challenges of the business world, and improving their leadership and management skills.
哈佛商业评论(Harvard Business Review)是一份由哈佛商业评论公司出版的国际知名商业周刊,总部位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿。它成立于1922年,是一份专门从商业、管理、经济等角度分析全球商业问题的期刊,内容涵盖了商业管理、经济学、财务管理、领导力、战略等诸多领域。哈佛商业评论的内容基于严谨的研究和分析,是商界领袖和管理人员的重要参考资料。在全球范围内,哈佛商业评论被广泛认为是商界最权威、最具影响力的商业周刊之一。
Harvard Business Review(简称HBR) 创刊于1922年,是哈佛商学院的标志性刊物,也是全球顶尖的管理杂志。九十多年来,HBR一直致力于创造和传播最新的管理理念和方法,帮助商界领袖不断更新理念、领导变革。如今,被业界誉为“管理圣经”的HBR已成为一个全球性的高级管理平台,其权威地位是任何一家同类杂志所难以企及的。The Economist (《经济学人》杂志)如是评价HBR:“引领全球管理实践”。
Harvard Business Review China
Harvard Business Review (HBR)is the world’s leading management magazine and the flagship publication of Harvard Business School. Over the 80 years since its first issue in 1922, HBR has been dedicated to creating and spreading breakthrough ideas and best practices of business thinkers and leaders around the world. HBR has stood out from the crowd as the best source of new ideas for those who are creating, leading and transforming business. As The Economist says, “HBR single-handedly sets the agenda for business in the world today.”
The Chinese edition of HBR is published monthly in China with exclusive authorization from Harvard Business School Publishing. The Chinese edition is almost in synchrony with its English edition together with substantial coverage of local contents – ideas and concepts that are directly related to management issues in China. As the most cutting-edge and insightful management magazine in China, HBR Chinese edition is committed to delivering newest and most powerful ideas to Chinese business leaders and helping them to sustain their competitive edge in the market place.
1. 应该读些什么?
2. 应该怎么读?
除了上述方法外,我们还可以进行“横向阅读”,这里的横向阅读指的是不同报纸在报道同一新闻时不同的遣词造句。拿上个月凯特王妃生子的新闻来说,CNN当时的新闻标题为:Catherine gives birth to royal baby;BBC 的标题则更为简洁:Royal baby boy born;《卫报》的标题为:Royal baby: Duchess of Cambridge gives birth to a boy。在同一事件表达上的微妙区别其实非常有趣,大家可以多多揣摩下,这也是学习灵活多变表达的好方法,这样在你写作的时候,你就不会觉得自己词汇贫乏、表达干巴巴的。