洛杉矶时报 2023-03-22 Los Angeles Times PDF
洛杉矶时报 2023-03-22
洛杉矶时报 2023-03-22
The Los Angeles Times is a newspaper based in Los Angeles, California, USA. It was founded in 1881 and is one of the largest newspapers in California, as well as one of the oldest in the United States. The Los Angeles Times is known for its coverage of news and events in Los Angeles and Southern California, with a wide range of reporting on politics, business, sports, culture, entertainment and more. In addition, the newspaper has won numerous awards, including several Pulitzer Prizes.
The Los Angeles Times has a daily circulation of over 300,000 copies, and it has millions of online readers around the world. The newspaper has a long history of independent journalism and has been influential in shaping the political, economic, and cultural landscape of California and the United States. The Los Angeles Times has covered many significant events throughout its history, including the 1965 Watts riots, the 1992 Rodney King riots, and the 2003 California recall election.
As the digital age has transformed the media industry, the Los Angeles Times has also adapted to provide digital versions of its newspaper, as well as mobile applications and an online platform for readers. The digital platform features a range of news reporting, data visualization, videos, and email news briefings. The Los Angeles Times also engages with readers through social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Overall, the Los Angeles Times is a longstanding and respected media outlet that continues to innovate and evolve, delivering comprehensive, objective, and in-depth reporting and analysis to its readers.
洛杉矶时报 2023-03-22 Los Angeles Times
当地时间1881年12月4日,洛杉矶时报创刊,创始人是汉森(Nathan Cole Jr.)和霍莉。该报在创刊初期是一份独立报纸,后来在20世纪初被收购,成为了当时西海岸最大的报业公司之一——查尔斯·查普曼(Charles Chapman)的洛杉矶时报公司的一部分。20世纪中期,该报被卖给了奥托·海茵茨(Otis Chandler)的家族,成为了由该家族经营的主要报业公司之一。
有规律地阅读外刊杂志有助于提高英语阅读能力,这是毋庸置疑的,尤其是类似于经济学人杂志、华尔街日报、华盛顿邮报 、纽约客等这类久负盛名的报纸,因其写作用词多数比较考究,同时,这些报纸也是国内英语类考试的语料来源,更值得去认真阅读,尤其是那些即将准备类似于四、六级、专四、专八、CATTI 翻译资格证考试、出国留学的考试等。
- 选择适合自己的期刊:根据自己的语言能力选择适合自己的期刊,切忌选择难度过大的期刊。
- 反复阅读:多读几遍有助于加深对语法和词汇的理解。
- 记录生词:每次阅读中发现的生词,应该及时记录下来。
- 做阅读笔记:阅读期刊的同时,可以做阅读笔记,把重点和难点记录下来,以便日后复习。
- 参与课外讨论:与其他英语学习者进行课外讨论,可以加深对期刊的理解,也可以提高语言交流能力。
- 练习写作:通过阅读期刊,可以了解不同的话题,然后自己写一篇相关的文章,以此来练习写作。