VOGUE-2022-12 时尚杂志 PDF






VOGUE is a leading fashion and lifestyle magazine that has been in circulation since 1892. It is renowned for its high-quality photography, cutting-edge fashion editorials, and insightful cultural commentary. The magazine is published in 23 countries and regions, including the United States, United Kingdom, France, Italy, China, and India, and has a global readership of millions.

VOGUE’s content covers a wide range of topics, including fashion, beauty, culture, and lifestyle. It features interviews with top designers, celebrities, and cultural icons, as well as coverage of the latest fashion trends and runway shows. The magazine also explores cultural issues and societal trends, giving readers a unique perspective on the world around them.

In addition to its print publication, VOGUE has a strong online presence, with a website that features daily fashion news, trend reports, and exclusive interviews. The magazine also produces numerous events, including the highly anticipated Met Gala, which brings together some of the biggest names in fashion and entertainment.

Overall, VOGUE is a highly respected and influential publication that has shaped the fashion and lifestyle industry for over a century, and continues to be a leading voice in the world of fashion and culture.


VOGUE时尚杂志 2022-12 PDF 《VOGUE》杂志在进入中国之前,已经拥有15个不同国家及地区的版本。美国版《VOGUE》杂志诞生于1892年, 其出版商康泰纳仕公司随后推出了英国版(1916年) 和法国版(1921年)。


1959年,塞缪·纽豪斯先生收购了《VOGUE》杂志及其相关杂志,并在其他国家及地区推出了更多版本:包括澳大利亚版 (1959年)、意大利版 (1965年)、巴西版 (1975年)、德国版(1979年)、西班牙版 (1988年)、韩国版 (1996年)、俄罗斯版(1998年)以及日本版(1999年)等 。





当今很多著名设计师都是从《VOGUE》杂志被发掘的。世界上一些顶尖摄影师——如 Mario Testino、 Steven Meisel、Patrick Demarchelier 和 Irving Penn——长期以来在《VOGUE》杂志中发展了他们成功的事业。






美国《读者文摘》:Reader’s Digest 2022-12 PDF

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